دار fa дор tg dor tg-latn דאר jpr

Derived from

داشتن fa доштан tg


  • positive : دار fa дор tg dor tg-latn דאר jpr [L1143286-F1]
  • positive, substantive plural : دارها fa дорҳо tg dorho tg-latn דארהא jpr [L1143286-F2]
  • animate, positive, substantive plural : داران fa дорон tg doron tg-latn דאראן jpr [L1143286-F3]
  • comparative : دارتر fa дортар tg dortar tg-latn דארתר jpr [L1143286-F4]
  • superlative : دارترین fa дортарин tg dortarin tg-latn דארתרין jpr [L1143286-F5]


  • (indicates a possessor of the word to which it attaches) en [L1143286-S1]